Discover Your Highest Purpose – Channelled Spirit Guide Message
Message channelled by Rick Khan
Hello dear loved one my name is Xavier
We’d like to share some messages regarding your divine path and how important your purpose is, even if you aren’t aware of it yet.
A purpose that reaches out and uplifts the world far more than you might be aware of, or currently able to perceive.
If you may, please allow me to share with you just how important your purpose is and how aligning with it...
Will allow you to accept and bring to yourself a life full of love, joy, and abundance.
Your Highest Purpose
You have a higher purpose and you’re here to help humanity and all spiritual living things.
You are here for a global mission. A mission that is linked to that inner feeling of your most authentic wants and desires...
A mission that will allow you to grow beyond the limited views of the ego...
The constructs created by a left brain world have made most of us move to logic…
And to think in a way that fits an ego construct of a logical thinking world…
Leaving behind a magical existence of being one with the highest version of yourself…
feeling distant from your higher self...
There is the you
But there is only the you that existed long before the you that you know now...
When you were born you were at one with this you.
Which is the oneses of you this part of you is the higher and wiser part of you were separated as you grew.
This true inner you is your higher and wiser part of yourself, which you grew separated from in this physical reality.
As your ego developed you lost touch with this part of you...
As you developed the beliefs that you thought would sustain you in this material world.
You lost sight of this you who remained constant and unchanged, perhaps you did not know this true you still existed.
Instead, you struggled and suffered in this world You lost sight of your higher purpose...
Your fears prevented you from living your dreams, if you could be the you that you always wanted to be this is the version of you, you would be.
This part of you has many names, the authentic self or the higher self, and is perfect, perfect physique, perfect health perfect love, free of all your imperfections...
Part of your mission on earth is to reconnect with your higher self so you can realize your higher purpose.
It’s an impulse you may have felt for many years …
Or even a calling!
It’s a force and awakening to break down the walls of illusion created from ego’s projection.
Turn inward and follow your highest truth
So Turn your attention away from the SHUT OFFs and let the external noise fade away as you turn inwards.
As you begin to come back into alignment with your true highest self and the ego-mind beings to quieten.
You will see, feel and know the limitless potential and power to heal and uplift yourself and the world that you truly have.
Know that yes you’re here for something large, your ego may judge, fight and resist this and will want to remain in its comfort zone.
The ego is frightened of the truth and spirit, because only with falsehoods and away from spirit can the ego survive.
This is why staying in touch with and opening your heart and stepping forward with divine love and shining your light.
Will allow you to ascend and continue to grow on your path...
So knowing how to silence the mind and the fears and doubts of the ego mind...
Clearing energetic blocks and opening a strong connection with your innermost truth and higher self, will help you immensely on your path...
Take a few moment as you listen to or read these words, to reflect inwards and notice what can you feel?
You might have fears and doubts, but know these are just temporary blocks, false outer layers hiding the divine spark that is already within you...
This doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges
During your lifes journey and experiencing this 3d physical reality, you will experience challenges along the way.
But its during these challenges when you act with love, you will be back in alignment with your highest truth and authentic path.
Through challenge in the physical reality you are in at this moment...
Know this allows you to truly learn love.
As without fear you can’t truly know peace, without sadness you cannot truly know joy, and without knowing hate you can’t truly know love...
And through these challenges and becoming aware of your inner most truth you will know what all of these truly mean.
Allowing you to omit and shine your divine light out to the world as you are here to make a difference...
Trust your internal navigation system
You have an internal navigation system that you feel and can even at times hear that comes from your higher self.
Your higher self is the authentic highest version of yourself that already knows what you truly want and what you need to do.
As you step away from fear and the illusions of the ego and step into alignment with spirit and your truth...
You will overcome and step above and beyond any challenges that come your way, even when any insecurities, doubts or fears arise to the surface...
Allow them to flow through you because when you’re in alignment with spirit they will fade and melt away and be left behind.
Left behind like training wheels that helped you to rediscover your true self and be moved towards your true purpose.
This happens when you take a single small step on the path of love, you do not need to take a huge leap to make a huge change.
Something that appears as small as a simple act of kindness, even giving someone a warm greeting...
Has a ripple effect that spreads out physically and vibrationally that goes out and creates vast and wide positive changes.
Know whenever you doubt yourself it is always the voice of the ego and never the voice of spirit and your highest true self.
Everything you do is making a difference
Even if you don’t perceive the changes you’re making, as you’re walking back onto the path of truth and realigning with your highest self and spirit...
You’re changing the global consciousness of all beings...
This isn’t to be mistaken with staying hidden and placing walls around yourself, because walls keep things out but also stop things and others from being able to come in.
Allow yourself and your light to shine out as even the smallest act is helping.
And the more you realign with spirit the more it helps yourself and others...
Be patient as it is the ego that demands things to go a certain way, know continuously moving with love, will manifest your deepest desires and move you on your purpose.
Because even the entire universe is made from and bound together by love, as this is no greater force or higher vibration.
You might only feel this inner guidance as a quiet voice at first or a gentle nudge...
Know that this voice and feeling will become strong and stronger allowing you to more easily co-create and manifest love, joy and abundance throughout your life.
Let go of judgment and what no longer serves you, and follow your inner truth and soul purpose.
Creating a big difference and co-creating positive changes and helping to unite all people, beings, and spirit.
So keep reminding yourself you’re here for a divine purpose and what you do matters.
Get in touch Now!
Imagine meeting your higher self and then merging with that energy, and reclaiming that part of you.
Your higher self will guide you with unconditional love and wisdom as you follow the higher path…
As you do this, whether you’re in high vibration or not…
You’ll feel an increase in energy, perhaps some tingling as your vibration naturally increases.
And perhaps best of all…
You’ll re-discover yourself in an incredible way, and know your true purpose, and what you need to do exactly to make better decisions…
That will improve the lives of yourself, your loved ones, and the global consciousness that all beings are connected to.
Leading to continuous spiritual growth and lasting inner joy.
But at the same time…
This is ONLY for those who are ready for a spiritual transformation that want to get in touch with their highest purpose and truth…
Just like 1000s of other people across the globe who re-discover themselves merging with their higher selves, and live by their mission following the path of spiritual growth.
So, if you’re ready for more…
Get The Merging With Your Higher Self Activation With Divine Assistance Here >>
With Love
Thank you!
You’re welcome 🙏❤