How To Connect With Your Higher Self Using 10 Simple Steps Now

Connecting to your highest self is aligning with your true authentic divine self, the self that has a higher perspective and...

knows your true purpose and is full of joy along the journey.

It is your divine self that is connected to the creator, and even if you aren’t aware of its existence...

Your higher self is always guiding wants what’s best for you.

Assisting you to become aware of your infinite potential and divine spark feeling the oneness and...

Infinite love and peace life has to offer.

In this post, you’re going to experience a direct connection with your higher self and I will be guiding you through an easy step-by-step process.

So you can bask in the divine light frequencies and realign with your authentic truth.

What is your higher self

Your higher self is who you truly are on a soul and multi-dimensional level...

It's your true essence, the part of you that is beyond the illusions of duality and separation...

It’s your most powerful instant connection to all that you desire and what you need to discover and give to others

Including why you’re incarnated into this temporary physical reality and is fully aware of your true purpose.

Whilst Guiding and supporting your divine path from a higher perspective.

What are the benefits of connecting with your higher self

Your higher self is your most powerful and trustworthy guide, that knows everything about you...

Including all of your strengths and weaknesses and exactly what you need to grow beyond the limited perceptions of the ego...

To transcend with an open heart to manifest the life of your dreams.

It isn’t separate from you, it is the highest aspect of yourself.

Out of all of your guides, your highest self is the most powerful and important, the role of your other spirit guides is to guide you on your life’s journey, whilst helping you to reconnect with your higher self...

The role of your higher self is to help you reconnect with your true infinite self and God.No one or no other spirit guide knows how to guide YOU better than your higher self.

Start reconnecting with your higher self

You already have a direct link to your higher self, but it is the loud chatter of the egoic mind that gets in the way.

First, you must Break out of any old negative thought patterns and cleanse negative energies...
Energizing and restoring balance in your physical and spiritual being...

And then stepping into the divine light and beginning to merge with your higher self.

The best part, all of which can be assisted by your divine support team of spirit guides, which works even if you don’t already have a high vibration!

10 Step meditation to connect with your higher self

  1. At a time and in a location where you won’t be disturbed, sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

  2. Focus on your breathing, as you gently slow it down whilst inhaling into your abdomen...
    And exhaling out through your mouth...Continue this for a few minutes until your mind begins to feel calm and quieter.

  3. Now say out loud or within your mind: “Subconscious mind, allow me to connect and be guided by my higher self.”
  4. Now say out loud or within your mind: “ I now call upon my divine spirit guides, the ascended master and my guardian to support me in raising to divine states of consciousness, to cleanse and let go of what no longer serves me, and to assist me in aligning with my higher self.”

  5. Now see and feel with the assistance of your guides, a bright golden light coming down from the sky and entering into the crown of your head. Filling your entire body as it melts away any stagnant negative energies and stored tension...

  6. Now place your attention on your heart as you see healing energies channeled through your guides into this area, which forms a golden orb that starts to expand larger and larger...

  7. Feel the orb expand, rejuvenating uplifting, and filling your entire body...

  8. Spend some time appreciating the uplifting love, joy, and sense of a higher purpose you can now feel throughout your being...

  9. Now imagine a dark cloudless, star-filled sky... Focus your attention on the center of the sky as you can see and feel all of the stars being pulled into one giant star. This represents your higher self as you now see and feel a golden tunnel leading towards this star...And then see and feel the star coming to you.

  10. Now notice whatever form it takes, it may take the form of an angel, it may appear humanlike, it will take whatever form is right for you...

As you connect with your higher self, without even consciously thinking you will likely receive instant divine downloads giving you answers to your life's challenges.

Feel aches and pains begin to fade away, your vibration rise as this is the perfect opportunity...

To open your heart and allow your higher self to come in and raise your awareness...

Allow your heart to remain open, mind cleared and know that you’ve got this! And as you continue through your life as a physical being with your own personality...

You can be reassured as you will have the awareness of your truth coming from the most authentic version of yourself, your higher self.

How to receive a higher perspective and assistance from your higher self

Experiencing your higher self can feel like being embraced by the loving arms of family members you haven’t seen in a long time...

On top of that, you will feel your vibration and energy continue to rise and rise...

And as great as this feels, you can use this opportunity to ask your higher self questions...

Take a deep breath and talk to your higher self out loud or within your mind's eye...

Just like you send your energy and the intention of your words to someone you speak to in person, do the same when as you speak to your higher self as you ask...

“What should I do in my life that will help me, my family and loved ones the most right now?”

“Do I need to make any changes or change directions with any part of my life?”

“What other guidance do you have for me now?”

You will receive guidance from your higher self in different ways such as:

  • An intuitive feeling of knowing.
  • Images that have a specific meaning to you that represents the answer.
  • Feelings of peace and love.
  • Spontaneous feelings to do something such as booking dancing lessons, or to travel to a destination you had always put off.

Love brings you closer to your higher self

Love brings you closer to your higher self, love is a building block behind everything in the universe and is a power that goes beyond this physical realm...

Love is the highest vibration and all truths beyond the ego come from a place of love...
Including your higher self that is beyond the physical...

So whenever you feel guidance tell your higher self “I am grateful and I love you, I am grateful and I love you.”

Coming from a place of love will keep you in the present moment and closer to your higher self making it easier to receive even more guidance.

Rise above life’s difficulties as they become simple challenges with your higher self

Hand over how to solve your life’s challenges to your higher self, whilst connected and with your higher self is in your awareness.

Focus on what you would like guidance for, and imagine how it would feel to have whatever you’re unsure of or struggling with already answered or resolved...

Avoid thinking about how it will be resolved, focus solely on what you want guidance for.

As you allow it to be observed from the perspective and wisdom of your higher self...

Then you will experience for yourself the patience and divine knowledge your higher self has access to that is beyond space and time, without being warped or blinded by the illusions of duality and separation clouding its judgment...

Merging with your higher self-meditation

The most powerful and easiest way to connect to your higher self is through meditation...

And I’ve worked with people just like you across the globe, and I can tell you now…

That this Exclusive Three part series meditations with Divine Assistance that many of my students use…

Helps guide you through each core step for merging with your higher self in the shortest time possible.

It really is an incredible unique experience to connect with your highest divine truth.

Click here to access higher self-meditation before it’s taken down >>

Give it a go to access your higher self to support you on your spiritual journey like nothing you’ll ever imagine.

And know where ever you are on your spiritual journey and despite what you may be going through.

You have access to divine perspectives that go beyond the stories limitations others have told you...

And you can bring in the light and illuminating truth of your true purpose, how to live a life full of joy and love that uplifts yourself and others with the assistance of your higher self.

With much love

