How To Do Energy Reversals To Quickly Remove Negative Attachments
You’re likely already aware of how negative energies can cause blockages and lower your frequency...
Which makes spiritual growth and channeling your spirit guides much harder.
What can also be concerning, is that other people's negative thoughts and vibrations can impact and attach to you even if they aren’t nearby!
This is why I’d like to share with you a step-by-step powerful method...
So you transmute and send back negative energies with love, to help cleanse, heal and protect yourself and others.
How other peoples negative thought and energies can attach to you
Have you noticed in certain rooms, even entire buildings, or around certain people there seems to be a toxic low vibe that you can feel...
Something about the area or person just feels off, almost like a bad smell that you want to get away from.
This can also be energy vampires, who are people that mostly unknowingly absorb and drain your energy...
But sometimes knowingly and intentionally drain your energy...
We are all connected energetically...
When you have been physically close to someone or if they are just thinking about you...
This can create what is called quantum entanglement or to use a less fancy phrase, energetic link...
This basically means that your frequencies can affect each other, no matter how physically far apart you both are.
If you suspect or feel that you might be experiencing this yourself, use the following 5 steps to reverse negative energies.
Step 1: Relax both the mind and body
At a time and in a location where you won’t be disturbed and can be seated or laid down comfortably...
Take a few moments to gently tense all of the muscles in your body and take a big deep breath in...
And as you slowly exhale relax all of your muscles, and allow yourself to sink into what you’re sat or laid down on...
Now continue to slow down your breathing whilst focusing on both the inhale and exhale, until both your mind and body become even more relaxed...
Step 2: Call upon the assistance of your spirit guides
Your spirit guides can assist you in many ways including with psychic protection...
To call upon your guides for assistance say the following out loud or within your mind ...
“I call upon my guardian angel, and my protection guides who are best to help protect me, and cleanse away any negative energies, that are no longer serving me now...”
Your wording doesn’t have to be exactly the same, what’s important is making sure your intentions are clear.
Step 3: Focus on negative energy attachments
Now turn your attention inward and on your body...
Focus on any areas or sensations that feel blocked or distorted...
Notice any negative thoughts, or images that come to you...
Becoming aware if you’re feeling any energetic attachments or feeling distorted energies left behind in your aura...
Step 4: Calling upon white light protection
Now visualize a magnificent white light in front of you...
If you struggle to visualize just know that it is there and focus on the sensations...
Now notice your spirit guides channeling and strengthening this white light...
And then breath this white light as you notice it filling your lungs, and expanding out filling your entire body...
Notice with every area this light touches, it cleanses and removes negative energies and blockages...
Then notice this white light expanding out from within your body and forming a sphere of protective white light all around you...
Step 5: Transmuting and reversing the negative energies
Now focus on your heart as you notice the unconditional love coming from your guardian angel your guides...
As you feel this love, allow it to expand out and merge with the protective white sphere...
When you feel this connection, see and feel any negative energies that are coming to you, or negative energy attachments anyone has attached onto you.
Touching this protective sphere and being transmuted into love, and being sent back to them...
If there is anyone, in particular, you feel a negative connection with, see them getting what they need, see and feel them being filled with love as you’re reversing their negative energy but sent back with love...
Enhancing your psychic protection
There are different layers to spiritual protection, the above steps will help you on many several levels, if you find or feel that you may need more assistance or want to know more about spiritual protection.
You might be interested to find out more about psychic protection.
With Love
Good guidance