Want to know how to hear spiritually?
If you want to know how to hear spiritually, it's important to know that spirit is always communicating with you, but if you don’t believe that it is, or if you tell yourself that the sounds you hear outside of the physical are just in your imagination... Then you’re blocking out spirit, you need to tune in to the right frequency and remove energetic blocks to hear spirit more clearly.
In this article, I’m going to share why you can't hear spirit, what you can do to hear spirit including a 3 step technique so you can start hearing spirit today.
What can prevent you from hearing spirit
If you mainly focus on all of the challenges, struggles, and difficulties you are facing.
This is what your vibration will be aligned with, which will make you more focused on receiving the limited views and thoughts of the ego instead of hearing spirit...
This is why knowing how to cleanse negative energy and knowing the signs that your spirit guides are trying to communicate...
Is useful for opening yourself up to spirit and recognizing when it is speaking to you.
You might want to shut off or tune out spirit
Another reason why you might not be able to hear spirit, is because a part of you doesn’t want to.
This can be for several reasons such as being told from a young age, that anything you see or hear that isn’t in the physical, is just your imagination and that only immature children think this way...
And to please your parents in this example you shut off and tuned out communication with spirit...
This is one of the reasons why communicating with spirit comes so easily to children because they haven’t been conditioned to tune it out.
You have to be open to what spirit is saying
Following on from the previous example, another reason could be that you don’t like what spirit is telling you.
There might be a bad habit spirit is encouraging you to stop, or nudging you in a certain direction, or to make a decision you feel frightened of making...
And even though deep down you know it is the right thing to do or that it will benefit you or others greatly...
You would rather not hear it or choose to ignore it...
To hear spirit you must be in a receptive and open state, shutting off or wanting to ignore what spirit says is the total opposite.
Tips for being able to hear and communicate with spirit
Signs can come in multiple ways, you may want to hear spirit through sound or words...
However, it might be more beneficial for your souls journey to receive your request and messages from spirit, in a different way such as being guided to meet a specific person...
The universe takes the path of least resistance and will guide you in such a way that that has the least amount of resistance.
Tools and techniques that will help you hear spirit
With that said there are multiple tools and techniques that can help such as using prayers and meditation.
Which help to align your consciousness and frequency with spirit.
Useful tools that work wonders for some people for communicating with spirit are setting up your own spiritual altar and using automatic writing.
Hearing spirit doesn’t come from your physical ears, but from your inner spirit and your heart
Your physical ears if they are working correctly can pick up sounds in this physical realm, but communication from spirit comes from a different frequency and realm...
It can come through and sound just like hearing someone speak in the physical, but how it is received is very different...
When you open your heart, and become open to hearing all the of sounds and beauty already around you...
Such as the beautiful music, the soothing sounds within nature, the joyful laughter of a child...
All of this will help you tune into hearing spirit.
How to hear spirit and become more clairaudient in 3 steps
You can use the following 3 steps to further enhance your ability to tune in and listen to spirit.
I recommend following them only at a time and within a location you won’t be disturbed for at least 15-20 minutes...
Step 1: Silence the egoic mind
To be able to perceive spirit, you need to be able to work with different energies...
And if you’re stuck in your mind, this can block your ability to work with energy.
Start by gently inhaling in through your nose, and out exhaling out through your mouth...
Repeat this whilst focusing on your breath, for several minutes or until you feel your mind and body relax.
Step 2: Call upon the assistance of your spirit guides
Your divine support team can help you in many ways, including raising your frequency and helping you tune into spirit...
You can call upon the assistance of your guides by saying the following:
“I call upon my guardian angel, to help keep me safe whilst helping me align with spirit...
I now call upon my highest most supporting spirit guides, for assisting me in being able to hear and perceive the sounds, the signs, and the voice of divine spirit...
And to repel any lower level entities and energies...”
Even if you don’t immediately see, hear or feel anything...
Know that your guides will be assisting you...
Step 3: Ask spirit for guidance and clarity
Within your mind or out loud, start to speak with spirit, the universe, your guides, God or whatever you believe in...
And then allow yourself to remain open and receptive for a few moments after each question.
You might receive an answer straight away or after a few hours, days or even weeks depending on the question.
If you’re not sure what to ask, try asking questions such as:
“What does spirit want me to hear and know, right now?”
“What can I do, change or accept, that will allow me to more easily hear spirit?”
“What will help me remove any energetic or spiritual blockages that I may have in my life?”
Further enhancing your ability to hear spirit
Now that you have steps and know some additional tools to help you hear spirit, and you’re more aware of what could have been preventing you.
If you want to know how to take receiving guidance from spirit to the next level, you might be interested in knowing how to connect with your divine assisting support team.
With Love