Meet Your Spirit Guide With THIS Visualization Technique
Visualization is a very powerful tool for connecting with spirit guides...
Because it helps both the conscious and subconscious mind communicate with each other.
Making it easier to tune into the spiritual dimensions...
In this article I’m going to share one of the fastest yet simplest forms of visualization, I know for connecting with spirit guides.
Discover who your spirit guides are with this 5 step visualization method
When it comes to connecting with spirit guides, you need to raise your frequency and activate your energy center also known as your 3rd eye.
This is what will make it so you can tune into the higher realms and perceive your guides...
What's interesting, is you don’t see and interact with spirit guides using your physical senses, just like you would in an ordinary conversation...
But through your spiritual senses including seeing them through your energy center, which gives you spiritual vision.
The following visualization technique will help you raise your frequency, become protected, and tune assist you with connecting with your guides...
For best results: Only use these steps at a time and in a location where you won’t be disturbed.
Step 1: Call upon your guides for protection
I recommend starting off with calling upon divine protection to keep you safe which will also help you with connecting to your guides...
Begin by saying out loud or within your mind...
“I call upon my guardian angel and divine support team, to assist me and guide me with deepening my connection with my spirit guides...
To assist me in being able to more clearly see whilst keeping me safe and protected.”
Step 2: Become present in the moment
Begin by slowly breathing in through your nose...
And exhaling out through your mouth...
Focusing on your breath until your mind and body begin to feel relaxed...
Now start to become aware of your surroundings, the room that you are in, notching how dark or well lit it is...
Focus on the objects around you, how the chair you are sitting on feels...
When you become present in the moment, it is easier to focus and tune into the spiritual realms.
Step 3: Calling upon divine golden light
Now at this stage, you will want to close your eyes if you haven’t done so already...
And turn your attention inwards, focus on how your body feels, this will help you tune into your feelings and energetic body...
Now see in front of you a golden divine light, that begins to fill and brighten the entire room that you’re in.
Feel as it raises the frequency of the room and your vibration...
Notice how it's becoming small, more condensed but even more powerful, gradually turning into a small orb just in front of you.
Now see and feel, as this golden orb begins to come closer, and then entering into the center of your eyebrows, the location of your 3rd eye...
Notice how it begins to energize your energy center and eventually being fully absorbed...
Step 4: Calling out to your guides
Your spiritual vision has now been enhanced, your frequency raised, making it easier to perceive and connect with your divine support team.
At this stage, if you can already see any of your guides which may appear as an animal, a deceased loved one, or a different form altogether skip to the next step...
If you can’t see anyone repeat out loud or within your mind the following:
“I ask the spirit guides of mine, that are most appropriate and are ideal for serving my greatest good right now, to make the presence known and to reveal their image to me...”
Repeat this several times for a few minutes and then move on to the next step.
Step 5: Ask your guides questions
Now is an ideal time to start asking your guides questions...
They won’t always give you direct answers, quite often they like to communicate more subtly through symbols and images...
If you're unsure of what to ask your guides, try asking questions such as:
"What is something you can help me to become aware of that will help with my spiritual development?"
"What is your name?"
Or ask them questions just like you would a professional advisor in the physical realm.
If you’re unsure whether your guides are with you, I recommend looking into signs that your spirit guides are trying to communicate.
What to do if you struggle to visualize or if you can’t see your spirit guides
If you have an active imagination and are able to visualize things clearly, you are more likely to be able to see your guides.
However, if you struggle to visualize...
don't be concerned because we all have an energy center, and using it came naturally to us as children...
But unfortunately, most of us have been conditioned out of using it, being told what we could see were just imaginary friends.
Although on the bright side, if you struggle to visualize or see your guides...
Just like anything if you practice, you will begin to reawaken this natural inborn ability.
There are multiple ways to communicate and receive divine assistance from your guides
And by improving your ability to connect with your guides, even if you struggle to see them, you may find communicating and hearing them comes to you more naturally.
So don’t let it discourage you as there are multiple ways of contacting and receiving answers...
You may also find it exciting and useful to know, that if you struggle to visualize, use the above steps whilst focusing on creating the sensations of what you’re meant to visualize is happening.
If you can’t clearly visualize a golden light, just know that it is there in front of you, this will still create changes on a subconscious level and to your frequency...
Allowing you to still open a channel for connecting with your guides.
Further connecting with your guides
If you found this useful or if you want to know more, including having a guided visual session for connecting to your guides.
You might want to check out how to connect with your divine assisting support team to deepen your connection and communication with your guides.
With love
Please I need a coach to have my 3rd eye in contact for my safety guard, and my eye got some acid reducer rinsed out. I’m pretty sure that has something to do with why I have alot of energy flowing out there is heat in my eyes and always a bright light that I see all the time. I’m not saying I don’t need improvements I have all chakra signs but there is something in my way sir. Can you please be my teacher and mentor?
Sincerely appreciate Shawn
Hi Shawn thanks for sharing and reaching out, It sounds like you need assistance with opening your 3rd eye and receiving divine assistance.
I unfortunately no longer mentor people but I believe you may find the page I’ve linked below useful:
With Love and light