5 Signs Spirit Guides reaching out in Your Dream and What It Means

Spirit guides will appear or communicate in your dreams, to help communicate important messages to you verbally or more often symbolically which can have many different meanings...

Dreams are one of the easiest ways for a spirit guide to communicate because of the change in consciousness.

However, it's unfortunate that most people are unaware of the signs that their guides are in the dreams or what it means...

This is why I’d like to share with you 5 signs and methods for recognizing the meaning behind your spirit guides dreams.

Spiritual dreams and their meanings

Many people think in order for something to be spiritual, there has to be something supernatural occurring or some spiritual change that can’t usually be perceived in this physical realm...

The reason I mention this is because you might think that a dream that is similar to your usual day-to-day reality isn’t significant or spiritual...

However, what many people overlook is that the physical realm is part of the spiritual dimensions, but at a different frequency...

Like your feet are different from your hands, but they are still connected to you, just like everything else in creation exists and is connected together.

So avoid making the mistake of thinking a mundane dream can’t have any spiritual significance to it because that’s how most spiritual dreams will appear.

What do spiritual dreams mean

The meaning behind your dreams, even though they might be similar to other people's dreams...

Your dreams are still unique to you and this is why I recommend keeping a dream journal...

And knowing the most common signs spirit guides are trying to communicate to make it easier to know they’re trying to show/tell you.

With that said, here are 5 signs your spirit guides are in your dreams and what they mean.

Sign #1: Direct visitation

Direct visitation might appear to be the most obvious sign that a guide is in your dream because you can see or hear them speaking to you...

However, they might take the form of an ordinary-looking human being or appear how they looked when they were incarnated and alive in the physical realm.

What does it mean:

Pay close attention to what you’re being told because direct visitations unless you’re naturally very psychic usually only happen when it is a very important message...

If what they tell you isn’t clear, try asking yourself:

"What is my guide trying to tell me through the events of that dream?"

Sign #2 Reoccurring dreams

Reoccurring spiritual dreams often represent an important lesson or a bad habit that your guides are trying to make you aware of...

Techniques you can try:
Keeping a dream journal, and asking you guides questions whilst you’re awake will help you to become aware of what the dreams mean.

Another great technique is just before going to sleep out loud or within your mind ask your guides:

“Please help me to become aware of what my dreams mean or help me to understand what you’re trying to say or show me...”

Sign #3 Waking up with a feeling of knowing

Have you ever woken up with a strong sense of knowing, you intuitively knew the answer to something?

Even though you can’t remember the dream you or you can only remember parts of it?

This is usually a sign that your guides have communicated with you in.

And even though you might not be able to remember it, they made you aware on an energetic or subconscious level.

Although it can be difficult to know whether your intuition about someone is accurate...

How to find out what this means:
However, you can ask your guides for clarity and by keeping a dream journal...

if you don’t fully get or understand a message from spirit, you will receive it again usually in different ways until it becomes clear.

Sign #4 Dreams that appear random but make sense to you

Usually, unless you’re highly clairvoyant(able to see spirit) or clairaudient (able to hear spirit) your guides will communicate with you symbolically using sounds and images.

Can you think of a time when you had a repetitive thought or you could see an image in your mind...

That made you want to contact someone or do something such as go for a walk...

And it led you to something important such as bumping into someone who needed your help or was able to help you with something?

Communication from spirit guides is usually subtle like that, and the same can happen within dreams...

If you keep hearing certain sounds or seeing images that give you some form of insight.

Then it is your guides helping you to become aware of something important.

How to get clarity on what this means:
Keep a dream journal and see if you notice any patterns in your dreams, you can also try writing down and asking your guides questions before going to sleep.

Sign #5 Dreams with intense feelings of love

Sometimes you might just need a break or a pick me up from the daily struggles and challenges of life...

And your guides may want to remind you of how deeply loved and cared for you are...

You might experience dreams like this as direct communication which is far easier to recognize that it's a spiritual dream...

But most likely it will be subtler and you might not even remember it...

Or the people in it seem like ordinary human beings but some of them will be your guides...

These kinds of dreams will leave you feeling deeply loved and cared for.

How to find out the purpose of these dreams:
Ask your guides when you’re awake to recreate this feeling for you and eventually when you experience it more...

Not only is it pleasant it will make you aware of what your guides are trying to communicate on a deeper level.

Receive more insight and assistance from your spirit guides

If you want to know a fun and simple way to deepen your connection to your guides then you might be interested in a quick and easy guide for how to use spiritual altars for beginners.

Or you might prefer to be guided by the fastest way I know to start receiving assistance from your divine support team.

With love
